What is Bloggertemplates.us

Bloggertemplates.us is a gallery that shows, describes and ranks the best templates for the Google’s blog platform. Bloggertemplates.us was the first Blogger templates gallery, created in December 2017 and currently, it has the largest templates collection.

How works Bloggertemplates.us?

BTemplates works as a showcase, you can browse page by page to find your ideal design or use our Template search engine. Each template has a screenshot, a live demo at Blogger and its download link.

If you’re a template designer or template coder, you can submit your templates directly to our form.

Are there any license terms I should know about?

The license to each template is determined by the original template author. We recommend you to check it directly in the website of the template’s author and additionally check our terms of use out.

We try to be respectful of all license, if you find any incident, please contact us.